
Author Topic: Notice of Intent to Consider Revisions to the Regulatory Definitions  (Read 18867 times)

Offline KB4TEZ

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Notice of Intent to Consider Revisions to the Regulatory Definitions of “On-Demand Operation”, “Supplemental Operation” and “Scheduled Operation”

In recent years scheduled public charter flights operating under Part 380 have expanded in frequency and complexity. This rapid growth poses an increased risk to safety if left unchecked. The FAA intends to initiate a rulemaking to address the safety risks. The Notice of Intent provides transparency with Congress as it deliberates FAA re-authorization should it wish to address this issue, while simultaneously beginning a collaborative, public process for rulemaking.

The FAA issued this Notice of Intent on August 24, 2023. The published document could contain minor changes due to formatting and editorial requirements, and the docket will not go live until publication. Upon publication, the document can be found on the Federal Register’s website at

(I attached the draft)