
Author Topic: Why east-west rwys usually used at CYYZ?  (Read 8172 times)

Offline mstram

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Why east-west rwys usually used at CYYZ?
« on: April 04, 2005, 23:13:27 UTC »
CYYZ will use their east-west (05-23 , 06-24) runways up until the crosswinds hit 30-40 knots.

In crappy weather they might switch to 15-33 a bit earlier (20 kt xwind).

The downwind / base / finals all cover the entire city / GTA anwyay, so I wonder what policy is involved here?

Anyoone here know why ?


Offline Cyyz Luc.p

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Why east-west rwys usually used at CYYZ?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2005, 04:27:58 UTC »
Mike,At Pearson a Preferential Runway Program, or PRP has been established between the air traffic control provider (Nav Canada), the airport operator (GTAA) and the major users of the airport. The PRP directs how and which runways are to be selected based on factors such as: noise abatement, traffic levels, airport capacity, prevailing winds, aircraft routing, and weather conditions.

Pearson is able to move the most amount of traffic per hour when in a dual east-west configuration. When dualling, 05/06L or 23/24R are open for both arrivals and departures simultaneously.Dualling is only permitted during the day period for noise abatement reasons.Keeping the noise issues in mind(from 0700 local time until 2300 local time).With the opening of the third east-west parallel in the Fall of 2002 (06R-24L),
Pearson is now capable of operating in a triple east-west configuration.

When weather and traffic dictate, Tower may elect to use a configuration
with arrivals on 33L and departures on 33R.There is an important difference in operations to note when both 33’s are active compared to when two east-west runways are open for dualling. The arrival controller’s separation requirements are increased from what is required to run a dual east-west configuration because of the lesser distance between the 33’s versus 05/06 or 23/24.With the provisions of the Hi-Lo procedure
fulfilled, the Arrival controller may place aircraft on different localizers
and have them flying final approach side by side. This is not permitted
with the 33’s. Aircraft put on the 33L and 33R localizers must be staggered
laterally and this increased separation results in a reduced arrival rate.

Check out for more information.