
Author Topic: Spotting at KMSY  (Read 5658 times)

Offline Zackmoe

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Spotting at KMSY
« on: November 26, 2007, 04:40:28 PM »
Wanted to share some info for anyone in the New Orleans area. After talking to Bryce ("KMSY", who runs the local feed), searching a little on the Web, and doing some good ole' ground-pounding, I staked out some great spotting points around the airport. Unfortunately, they are only useful for RWY 19 and 01. As far as I can tell, if you wanted to spot RWY 10, which they use A LOT, you would have to fend off the snakes in the swamp and/or climb a cypress tree.

Here's a map for reference:

Anyway, for RWY 19, you can take Veterans Hwy and turn onto Bainbridge. Head south, then make a U-turn around the canal. Then you can head down 26th St and end up right near where the taxiway turns onto RWY 19. There's also an "adult bookstore" on the street for those lonely low-traffic times, if you're into that sort of thing. ;-)

RWY 01 is much more fun. You can either head down River Rd. to the intersection with Williams Blvd. There is a parking lot there with a trail that leads up to the bike path on the levee. Head west (upriver) on the bike path until you see the high-tension power line towers on your left get shorter. This is a fun, quiet place to sit on the levee and spot. Also, you can park in the Cell Phone Lot (look for the big brown sign) on Airline Hwy. This is a lot that the airport management designated for people to park and wait for their family/friends to call them once their plane has landed. Ostensibly to ease the congestion in the airport drive-thru, it seems like a good idea, but I only ever see one or two cars in it. But if you park on the east side, the planes pass nearly right over you, and the lot has a security guard if you're worried about going there at night. Also the road right next to the lot (George St.) would be good, but there is some traffic on it, and not much of a shoulder for parking.

I don't know if there is anyone else here that is from the New Orleans area. If there is, speak up. We may not have Virgin 747s landing, but its still a pretty cool airport with a good amount of traffic. I think I'm going to hint to my girlfriend for a handheld scanner so I can listen while I'm out there.

"Mad props" go out to Bryce for his feed (which seems to NEVER be down) and for the extremely helpful map he created with frequencies and landmarks/waypoints/navaids.

Offline KMSY

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Re: Spotting at KMSY
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 05:26:36 PM »
Wow, thanks. You're pretty much spot on from my little experience. The levee is definitely a cool spot. You have planes flying directly over head if you're in the right spot, and you can watch ships and barges go up and down the river. If anyone is ever in the New Orleans area, let us know. We might be able to have a New Orleans Chapter LiveATC convention  :-D. We could do some collective spotting, and I might even be able to set up a tour of the airport with Sean Hunter, the director at MSY. He used to be a Navy controller and served on a carrier, not sure which one. But now he's into management and he's doing a pretty good job. Plus I have to meet with him someday to sign my Embry-Riddle alumni grant. -I get $1,000 if I attend ERAU, just for me knowing him!  8-)

Keep listening and I'll try to do what I can to improve the feed.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 05:32:53 PM by KMSY »

Offline Zackmoe

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Re: Spotting at KMSY
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2007, 09:45:46 PM »
No takers? Oh well. There's usually 5 or 6 people listening to the feed. I suppose they don't all scan the discussion forums regularly. You know the airport director? How did that happen?

Offline KMSY

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Re: Spotting at KMSY
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2007, 10:14:30 PM »
Well, his son goes to school with my little brother. He was dropping his kid off at my house and I talked to him.

I organized a tour of the airport a year and a half ago. First he took me around the administration offices (which was a pretty exciting aspect of the tour for myself... you should see the views these guys have from their offices! There's a pair of binoculars on every window sill, if you know what I'm getting at.  :-o). Then he handed me off to one of the operations people and I went with him on two runway inspections, four or five bird clearing operations, and a visit to one of the ARFF stations (fire fighters) - all while letting me man the radio, where I used simple requests. We then went over to the New Orleans TRACON and up into the tower. I think I met every controller at the TRACON on the way up to the tower. They have that building stuffed with controllers all day! Then we went to the Sonic in the airport terminal for lunch... on the house! One of the most exciting experiences I've ever had. It really made me decide that airport management was the profession for me!