
Author Topic: Recommended antenna  (Read 9928 times)

Offline jmrtlara

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Recommended antenna
« on: October 01, 2012, 09:45:42 UTC »
Hello everyone.

I'm using a basic VHF antenna and I live fairly close to the airport (about 3kms). However by next year we will be moving away to about 18kms from the local airport. I was wondering if there's a recommended antenna (-100usd) for the job so as to get decent receptions. Using an IC-2200H scanner btw if that helps.


Offline Squawk 7700

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Re: Recommended antenna
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2012, 15:27:34 UTC » GP126 is the Aircraft Band

I have used both and can recommend them.


Offline InterpreDemon

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Re: Recommended antenna
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2012, 17:05:56 UTC »
It depends if you want to pick up anything on the ground. At 18km your ability to pick up the tower may be in question as well, depending upon your relative elevation and path. My advice would be to wait until you move, use what you've got out there and report back here with your findings, particularly what you can no longer hear that you were hearing before (now). That will tell us what type of gain you are going to need, if any. You may find that since you can still pick up planes on short final or takeoff and maybe the tower, too, it might not be worth the bother. On the other hand if you are in a superior location, like the top of a mountain or right underneath a giant water tower reflector, you might capture more than you did before. Let's just wait and see.

Offline jmrtlara

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Re: Recommended antenna
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2012, 03:17:11 UTC »
Unfortunately I live in the Philippines.. I don't think Arrow Antenna ships here, but I could be wrong?

Offline dave

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Re: Recommended antenna
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2012, 11:55:04 UTC »
Unfortunately I live in the Philippines.. I don't think Arrow Antenna ships here, but I could be wrong?

Just call or email them...I think they ship anywhere, but the cost could be prohibitive due to the length of the shipping box.