sorry for warming up such a oldy,
"Apparently broadcasting ATC is illegal in Germany. Nobody can cite the specific law, really, and it is probably in German and will require translation."
Here we go:
"Telekommunikationsgesetz BGBI I Nr.39 S.1.120 §86 vom 31.07.96 Abhoerverbot, Geheimhaltungspflicht der Betreiber von Empfangsanlagen. Mit einer Funkanlage duerfen Nachrichten, die fuer die Funkanlage nicht bestimmt sind, nicht abgehoert werden. Der Inhalt solcher Nachrichten sowie die Tatsache ihres Empfangs duerfen, auch wenn der Empfang unbeabsichtigt geschieht, (...), anderen nicht mitgeteilt werden."
(I'll try my best regarding the translation

"Telecomunicationlaw BGBI I Nr.39 S.1.120 §86 vom 31.07.96 prohibition of listening, obligation of secrecy operator of receiving equipment. It's not allowed to listen to messages not destined for the radio station. Relaying of content to other persons of such messages and the fact of their reception, also when the reception is unintended, is not allowed."
Further the ownership of a Radio/Multibandreceiver (Scanner) is allowed in Germany BUT you are not allowed to use it.
You can have one, but its illegal to put batteries in it and program(illegal) frequency as such are: Police and Rescue and ATC Frequencys (Not ATIS, thats allowed cause its made for the Public).
Even unlikely, under circumstances they can put you into jail for 3 to 5 Years (!)
Hope my english is good enough to explain it

But here comes a question, is it allowed for Members of the US-Armed Forces, IN Germany in a US-Housing to put a Airband Scanner online ? Some of my friends are livin in such housings and they are US-Citizens, applys this law to them ?
urrr, and a Happy new Year to you all