There was some interference and a related software issue...should be better now.
It sounds much better, but there is still an interference or squelch issue. It sounds like the low altitude feed is interfering with the high altitude feed ?
From what I've heard on the archives it's happening quite frequently. An example of this can be found on the Oct16 - 23:00 and 23:30 archives (starting at 28:11) where the high feed is stuck open on dead air for almost 4 minutes while you can faintly hear the low sector controller bleeding through.
Other than that, great feed, very good controller reception although aircraft reception range isn't that great, indoor antenna ? Nice setup, having the high sectors split from the low sectors on a separate feed is great !
I see 133.875 is listed as a Moncton high frequency. I've never heard it in use though ? Can anyone in that area confirm if they are hearing any transmissions on it ?