
Author Topic: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b  (Read 28659 times)

Offline glennblum

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Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« on: October 01, 2019, 00:11:27 UTC »
When installing AIRBAND feeder on my raspberry Pi3b (Raspian Stretch, WIFI enabled full edition) I get the following errors while installing. Pictures shown.
Its probably part of this portion which should be clairfied for users who are not completely knowledgable but have some knowledge of Linux.

Log in to your Pi as user pi, then:
cd /home/pi/RTLSDR-Airband
sudo make clean

* if you are building for RPi V1 type: PLATFORM=rpiv1 make
* if you are building for RPi V2 type: PLATFORM=rpiv2 make

when performing the sudo make clean do you add the following to the same command line?   PLATFORM=rpiv2 make? or sudo make clean  PLATFORM=rpiv2 make? When I googled this problem I have seen other posted in other forums the same problem.

Offline dave

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Re: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2019, 00:55:15 UTC »
Looks like you used your own SD card distribution and not the recommended LiveATC one. The issue is that you are missing the prerequisites for RTLSDT-Airband.

Issue these commands:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libmp3lame-dev libshout3-dev libconfig++-dev libraspberrypi-dev libfftw3-dev
sudo apt-get install libogg-dev libvorbis-dev

then continue to follow the instructions.

Offline glennblum

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Re: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2019, 02:34:27 UTC »
It helped a little bit.
I cant use the sd card image. There is no provision for wifi configuration and I can't run a cable to my Pi.

Offline gtheall

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Re: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2019, 00:04:55 UTC »
Looks like you are missing the rtl-sdr library, which is listed in as an optional dependency and needed for working with RTLSDR dongles.

You should be able to install it by running :

sudo apt-get install librtlsdr-dev

Once installed, you should end up with rtl-sdr.h in /usr/include and librtlsdr.a in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf (plus other files).


Offline glennblum

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Re: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2019, 22:39:03 UTC »
After having a few hour's time to go back and recompile my Live ATC feed is now up and running under KGRK2 Killeen Forth Hood regional airport.

Offline LA5GRA

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Re: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2020, 18:27:27 UTC »
I have Connected PI via ethernet and access via Putty. How do i set it up to use Wifi?

Offline LA5GRA

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Re: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2020, 19:02:33 UTC »
I have Connected PI via ethernet and access via Putty. How do i set it up to use Wifi?


Login then type "sudo raspi-config"

Offline optoisolated

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Re: Error installing feed onto Raspberry Pi3b
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2021, 11:42:48 UTC »
If you ever want to set up a Raspberry Pi with wireless, without having to connect to it first, theres three steps you should perform.

Firstly, use Balena Etcher or another imaging program to copy the Pi image you intend to use (i've tried this with several, including the LiveATC image, and it works fine) onto the SD card. Once the imaging is done, you should see a 'Boot' drive in your computers, drive list.

Next, create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf on the boot drive in notepad and put the following into the file. This file configures the WiFi access for the Pi.

Code: [Select]


Change the country code to your country code. au = Australia, us=USA, gb=United Kingdom, fr=France, de=Germany, se=Sweden etc.
Update the SSID to your Wifi SSID and change the PSK to your Wifi Password (Pre Shared Key).

Finally, create a file called "ssh" (without an extension) on the boot drive.

Remove your SD card and reinsert it into your Pi. When it boots up, this will automatically configure your Wifi Settings, and the SSH file will tell the Pi to enable SSH access.

Voila. No need to connect Keyboard/Monitor etc to your Pi to get it going.