Hey all just wanted to let you know that I now live more in the SoCal Approach area next to KRAL. I have programmed a few freqs for testing and have realized that I am able to pickup KCNO tower/ground, KRAL tower/ground, and in a lot of cases KONT tower/ground. Let me know if anyone wants these freqs, i do have the KRAL twr/gnd/uni programmed but not sure if anyone wants the others let me know. Below is the list of freqs:
132.6 ARTCC Sec 13
134.0 SoCal
127.65 SoCal
121.6 CNO Gnd
118.5 CNO Tower
128.1 SoCal
121.0 RAL Tower
126.35 ARTCC Low Sec 19
124.3 SoCal
121.3 SoCal
121.7 RAL Gnd
122.95 Unicom
125.65 ARTCC Low/High Sec 12
135.4 SoCal
And by the way I am still under the old KEDW feed until it changes...