
Author Topic: KBDR-Bridgeport CT/NY App/ZBW feed  (Read 26667 times)

Offline Jason

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KBDR-Bridgeport CT/NY App/ZBW feed
« on: June 16, 2005, 14:17:35 UTC »
Hello to all -

NOTAMS for the feed:

FEED OTS SRT 1400Z SAT/6/18 TO 0000Z SAT/6/18 AKA: Feed will be down starting 1400z on Sat. 6/18 until later that evening.  Will be building our own custom antenna and installing permanantly outdoors.  Current setup with Discone is indoors and improperly installed (not by myself)...We will be extending the COAX cable to the roof and mounted there.

Also - Thursday 6/23 - From 1200z to 1500z the feed will ONLY be broadcasting DXR Tower.  Note: No ATC comms will be able to hear, only pilot end of the conversation.  This will be in preperation to record myself on a flight Thursday morning.  (Either N6377B or N24994)

Thanks in advance for your understanding!

Hopefully the antenna switch should provide us with better reception of ZBW freqs and possibly a switch from KBDR coverage to KHPN Coverage!  8)

Offline Jason

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KBDR-Bridgeport CT/NY App/ZBW feed
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2005, 00:05:04 UTC »
New antenna up for the next 5 min.  feed will continue to stay down until tomorrow.

Offline Jason

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KBDR-Bridgeport CT/NY App/ZBW feed
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2005, 14:57:50 UTC »
The new antenna is up and better than ever!!!  ZBW freqs are comming in great!  HPN Tower also comes in, but only when squelched.  133.1 is not coming in today, but I believe it is the x-mitters today...since there is no logical reason that the antenna is picking up the ZBW freqs and not NY (SEALL) sector.

Keep on listenin!