
Author Topic: IND and LAF in limbo  (Read 43525 times)

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« on: June 13, 2005, 02:10:10 UTC »
Finally got IND up...although it'll probably be temporary.  I wanted to run both IND and LAF this week due to heavy traffic on both later in the week.  I'll post details on that later in the week.  My parents are attempting to keep the IND feed up at their house in Indy but don't know much about any of this so it'll be up and down.  I'm working on acquiring a 2nd scanner to run LAF so that may be up and down all week.  Hopefully it will be up tomorrow afternoon.  Just wanted to let you all know.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2005, 03:50:16 UTC »
IND is up but there's no audio coming through...not sure what the reason is as I'm 65 miles away and unable to go down there.  Should be fixed sometime tomorrow (22nd).


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2005, 06:09:21 UTC »
IND audio is working again.  The Air Race Classic ends at LAF at the end of the week, so I'll probably be taking my scanner back to LAF and returning the borrowed scanner.  Then IND will be down until I come across a second could be months.  


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 00:05:47 UTC »
Air Race at LAF is over, therefore IND is down until I come across money for a new scanner.  Probably will be over a year (after I graduate and get a job) till that happens.  LAF will be down at some point for a few hours tomorrow (6/27) as I move the feed from the airport back to my apartment.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2005, 05:02:44 UTC »
IND/ZID is up for the weekend...through Monday afternoon.  Will be mostly scanning high altitude ZID during the day with low altitude and IND mixed in at night.  Due to the apparently popularity of ZID I'll try to keep LAF up during the week and ZID/IND up over the weekends.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2005, 17:23:41 UTC »
Bought an external antenna so the feed will be down off and on June 2 while I figure out the optimal configuration.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2005, 02:24:16 UTC »
OK here's the deal on these two feeds.  I'm hoping to move the LAF feed to the airport.  I had it there in June for the Air Race Classic and it sounded much better than it does at my apartment, about a mile or so from the field.  So, hopefully it will be back up around the end of August.  

As for IND, it will be up on most weekends probably through the end of August.  After that, I'll be working some weekends at Purdue and will be in IND some weekends, so it'll be up on random weekends.  

So in short, LAF back in late August and IND on random weekends.  I was hoping to have both ZID and IND up full time soon but it won't be for at least a year and I'm planning a trip that all my money is going towards...and after a year hopefully I'll have a full time job while waiting for FAA to call.  Thanks all for being patient through all this.  

ZID is up for this weekend, with some IND in there when I get the urge to hear it.  I'll have ZID up a decent amount now that the ZNY feed is back up...gotta love hearing aircraft cross the country.


Offline PHL Approach

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2005, 04:26:39 UTC »
Good luck with the FAA, Matt. Hopefully you can tough it out on that two year wait. I sure do know I can't wait for my 2 years of waiting to go out to OKC *Sarcasm*  :lol:

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2005, 15:32:37 UTC »
I'll have IND on tower/ground today (August 7) as the Brickyard 400 is in town and those should be pretty busy in the afternoon.  Unfortunatly it'll be a bit slow until then, as I have to work 12-8 and will not be here to switch to just tower/ground when it gets busy.  Hopefully it'll be worth it when all the traffic is departing after the race.  I may even switch to just tower...haven't decided yet.  They may end up spliting tower to two freqs...probably just for an hour or two.  Which is not much fo the 9 hours I'll be gone.  We'll see.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2005, 20:51:30 UTC »
I finally got both of my machines up and running smoothly.  I brought my scanner to IND...will have IND running for at least a couple weeks.  I'm working on getting LAF moved to the airport (on the ATC prof's scanner) and hope to have that up within a couple weeks.  I may leave IND up after two weeks...just depends on how much I miss having my scanner at Purdue!

If anyone's willing to donate a scanner...even something cheap and basic, I'll be glad to have IND and LAF up all the time!


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2005, 00:50:32 UTC »
Indy's up for this week....that is unless the power goes out at the feeder site again.  Still working on getting LAF up...that's more political than anything else.  Don't know how long it will be.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2005, 00:21:48 UTC »
Lo and behold, more t-storms at the feeder site, power went out, and there's no one there who can restart the feed.  Therefore, as of next week, I'm moving the antenna and the scanner back up to Purdue to run LAF from my apartment until we can get it set up on the field.  Sorry, but it's just too much of a hastle to try to keep IND up when I'm not there.

Offline KPryor

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2005, 04:25:25 UTC »
I can understand that, for sure.  We've had some pretty good storms here tonight and more on the way.  I'm in Robinson, IL, about 100 miles or so west of Indy.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2005, 04:29:00 UTC »
LAF is up again for the first time in months...down side is IND is down.  There is however, more of a demand for LAF at the moment with all the students in the aviation department Purdue finding out about the feed and asking me about it.  And of course with one scanner/antenna, I can only do one feed at a time.

As last year, LAF may be down some weekends when I am out of town.

And something to look forward to...when I finish at Purdue in May, I've decided to stay in the IND area for at least a while, and hope to have a 2nd scanner by then.  At that time I'll probably feed both IND and ZID.

Offline Jason

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2005, 11:21:42 UTC »
Hey Matt,

Sounds like a great plan!  You are a very dedicated feeder, always yearning to update the feed status to listeners.  We really appreciate your feed, hard-work, and presence!


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2005, 15:55:58 UTC »
IND and or ZID up until Tuesday (Oct. 11) afternoon/evening.  LAF back up Tuesday night.

EDIT:  About 5 minutes after posting this, my ISP in Indy decided to screw up so I have no internet.  Sorry folks, no IND for now, but LAF will be back up Tuesday.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2005, 13:35:11 UTC »
LAF will be down starting this afternoon (Oct. 19, 2005) through Sunday evening or Monday morning as I'll be out of town in Madison, WI for the Purdue/Wisconsin game.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2005, 05:08:23 UTC »
I will be at the folk's house in IND for the Thanksgiving holiday starting Tuesday the 22nd, and I plan on taking the scanner and antenna down with me.  It may be as early as Sunday (Nov. 20).  Either way, LAF will be down either Sun or Tues through the following Sunday, Nov. 27.  Again, I'll have it on IND tower/approach/departure or on Indy Center off and on based on my own selfish desires at any given moment.  ;) Either way, it's always interesting traffic.

Look for 3 weeks of the same around X-Mas.  I'll post more details on that at the time.



Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2005, 15:42:45 UTC »
Just broke down and bought a new Pro 94 on sale, even though this is probably the time in my life I have the least money.  Just couldn't pass up the deal.  Therefore, the news I've been waiting to give you for years...

IND and LAF will both be up simultaneously within 10 soon as the 2nd scanner is shipped to me.  


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2005, 06:41:19 UTC »
Somehow IND keeps getting stuck on one freq.  It'll be on one for a while, then go back to scanning, and then get stuck.  I know it's not one particular freq with interference because it has been stuck on tower and departure.

Unfortunatly, I'm 65 miles away and can't get down there until the weekend.  It's at my folk's place and I had my mom turn the squlech up, but that didn't do a thing.  Sorry guys.  Luckily it's off and on and not stuck on one freq all the time.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2005, 17:08:00 UTC »
Got the new Pro 94.  It's like Christmas early...except that I payed for it.  So, LAF and IND are both up.  I moved my good antenna down to IND so LAF won't be quite as clear as I'd like, but it's not bad.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2005, 22:23:25 UTC »
Hey all,

Well not so great news.  Both IND and LAF are down indefinatly.  The power supply on the Dell running LAF has been dying and is done for good now, and I can't afford a new one.  The same night, the eMachine that runs IND crashed.  So, I'm down to 0 computers.  I've put lots of money into both feeds, and just can't afford any more.  

Sorry to have to pull the plug on both.  Hopefully I'll be able to get them up sometime again, but for now it's not looking too good.


Offline KPryor

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2005, 02:16:41 UTC »
Sorry to hear that, Matt.  I've been listening to IND more than anything lately.  Good luck on getting it back online soon and thanks for having it up to now.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2005, 22:28:50 UTC »
OK things turned out better than I'd imagined.

Called Dell, and unbeknownst to me, the Dell is still under warranty.  So, after an hour on the phone with tech support with me knowing well that I needed a new power supply, they finally decided that it was indeed the culprit sent me a new one!!!  So, IND is running on the Dell.

I'll work on the eMachine with the hopes of getting it back up and running soon.  Then hopefully things will be back to normal with both LAF and IND running.

Offline KPryor

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2005, 22:57:52 UTC »
Excellent! :)