
Author Topic: We need your expertise! Voluntary ATC wanted for a short interview  (Read 7186 times)

Offline mrieth

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Are you interested in making an important contribution to scientific research? Now, here is the chance to do so!

I am a PhD student at the University of Bremen, Germany in the field of Human Resource Management and investigate the effects of digitalization and automation on employees in high-responsibility areas. I am looking for air traffic controllers from Austria and Switzerland and for pilots from Germany, Austria and Switzerland for a 45-minute interview. Of course, personal data and information about the company will be treated anonymously. I just would like to talk about the new challenges these professional groups are facing due to increasing digitalization and automation today and in the future. This would be a great help and would greatly enrich my research. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me:

Best regards and thank you in advance,
Michèle Rieth

Offline jaypeeandy

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Re: We need your expertise! Voluntary ATC wanted for a short interview
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2019, 04:44:48 UTC »
This sound interesting. Has anyone volunteered yet?

Offline conexraco

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Re: We need your expertise! Voluntary ATC wanted for a short interview
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2019, 10:36:38 UTC »
I have a friend in Germany who, if used anonymously with high security, may accept to volunteer.
I'll give you a link to him