I am based at an uncontrolled airport that is on the edge of the outer ring of class C airspace. The shelf begins 400' above pattern altitude. I frequently return to the airport through the Class C airspace with flight following and am in contact with the class C airport. I like to begin to announce to traffic at my airport when I'm 10 miles out, still in Class C space, and will transition to VFR at this point. I've typically descended below the shelf and then transition, but then have to fly the last 10 miles at basically pattern altitude.
My question for ATC is, do I need to be below the shelf before transitioning to VFR? Or, having been in contact with the class C airport and they know where I am and where I'm headed, can I be within Class C when I transition and descend as I would normally do when coming in from a different direction where I'm not in their airspace?