
Author Topic: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you  (Read 40850 times)

Offline iskyfly

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to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« on: February 13, 2009, 17:20:57 UTC »
You do know that it is against FAR's ?

FAA looks at videos taken in cockpits
Filming in plane violates safety rules

The Federal Aviation Administration has begun scrutinizing YouTube videos taken from the cockpits of Horizon Air planes.

Although most of the videos have been taken down, the FAA and Horizon Air confirmed they are cooperating in an investigation into possible cockpit violations in which pilots allowed personal electronic devices to be used to record takeoffs and landings.

With the exception of filming for training, it is against federal regulations for pilots or passengers to use such devices during takeoffs and landings, as they could interfere with instrument and landing system navigation radios.

Cockpits also are supposed to be sterile environments, free of distractions, and federal regulations prohibit pilots from being engaged in any activity below 10,000 feet that is not conducive to flights.

I'm told that Youtube had hundreds of these videos, but pilots have been pulling them left and right in recent days to try and destroy the evidence
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 17:22:41 UTC by iskyfly »

Offline beechsundowner

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Re: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 20:52:20 UTC »
You do know that it is against FAR's ?

For Part 91-21, number 5 digital camera is not against FARS as long as the PIC determines it will not interfere with navigation or communication equipment

Offline iskyfly

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Re: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2009, 17:27:16 UTC »
You do know that it is against FAR's ?

For Part 91-21, number 5 digital camera is not against FARS as long as the PIC determines it will not interfere with navigation or communication equipment

is that what you are going to say to the FAA / FSDO if they question you?
if you are a member of AOPA, check with their legal service.

Offline beechsundowner

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Re: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2009, 17:34:28 UTC »

is that what you are going to say to the FAA / FSDO if they question you?
if you are a member of AOPA, check with their legal service.

Yes....  This FARS for part 91 (which I operate under) is very, very clear. 

PIC has final say (read #5) on allowable electronic devices in the reference provided

Offline byoungblood

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Re: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2009, 02:19:55 UTC »

is that what you are going to say to the FAA / FSDO if they question you?
if you are a member of AOPA, check with their legal service.

Yes....  This FARS for part 91 (which I operate under) is very, very clear. 

PIC has final say (read #5) on allowable electronic devices in the reference provided

On Part 121/135 ops, the "operator" is the company that owns the operating certificate. They're the ones who get to call the shots when it comes down to what can and cannot be used.

For Part 91 you are correct. I have videotaped a couple of my flights and never had any issue with the avionics. I've had more problems with generators and strobes causing noise in the intercom or radios than anything else I've ever brought with me...including cell phones!

Offline bc0824

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Re: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2009, 13:41:03 UTC »
Along this same line; can anyone point me to the technical document - presumably used by the FAA/MOT as justification for current rule making - that documents unacceptable interference by devices such as videorecorders and cell phones?

Offline atcman23

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Re: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2009, 14:09:58 UTC »
Try going to and searching the website.  I've found some interesting research papers on their website that way.

Offline pacallen

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Re: to pilots filming in the cockpit - The FAA is going after you
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2009, 04:10:06 UTC »
FAA: We're not happy until you're not happy.

I've had more problems with generators and strobes causing noise in the intercom or radios than anything else I've ever brought with me...including cell phones!

A little OT, but the only time I've experienced interference from cell phones is w/ G1000 equipped planes and the fuel level transmitters. They are very finicky and the G1000 used to X out the gauges until we finally figured out it was a good idea to turn off our phones!