The President in town, again.
TFR ALERT – Palm Beach, Florida
Notice Number: NOTC9978
TFR ALERT – Palm Beach, Florida
February 14-16, 2020
There will be VIP Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) in the Palm Beach, Florida region. There may be multiple NOTAMs, which may include instructions for gateway operations.
The FAA, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies will be closely monitoring and patrolling this airspace looking for violators.
Airport operators, managers and flight schools, please post this notice as widely as possible.
If you know of an event planned for this weekend please check the published NOTAM to see if there is a conflict.
The entire flight advisory may be accessed and downloaded at the following address: Pilots are advised to check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes prior to operations in the area.
This notice is being sent to you because you selected "Selected ATC Notices" in your preferences on If you wish to adjust your selections, log into where you can update your preferences.