
Author Topic: Supposed Fuel Emergency  (Read 8043 times)

Offline Twocky61

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Supposed Fuel Emergency
« on: February 18, 2018, 09:48:44 UTC »
I have heard cases of developing world based airlines carrying minimum possible fuel load so as to achieve priority landings at our airports; thus beating stacks of other awaiting aircraft to land

These airlines are loading with as minimum fuel possible, as a cost saving, to make the flight from their countries to our airports. Surely this must be violation of air traffic control procedures, as if they had to divert, they would not have enough fuel to achieve their destination

When this situation happens, are air traffic controllers aware of this ruse? Obviously air traffic controllers have no option other than to allow the fuel emergency priority landing

Are there system's in place where these airlines can be fined & banned from our airports; thus no future landings be allowed

Thanks guys & gals


Offline FLLflyboy

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Re: Supposed Fuel Emergency
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2018, 05:57:21 UTC »
Not our job to determine if it's a legitimate fuel emergency. That's up to the civil aviation authority. We have no interest in how much fuel an aircraft has on board. We have no resposibility to ensure they have the proper reserves. You call us with an emergency or  low fuel sitution, we assume it is a truth and handle you accordingly. We file the paperwork, send it outside the facility, and have no irea what happens next.