
Author Topic: Specific ATC call by pilot enroute when frequency changes?  (Read 15496 times)

Offline Meow7430

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Specific ATC call by pilot enroute when frequency changes?
« on: June 29, 2016, 11:52:35 UTC »
Being a commercial airline pilot.. Flying enroute on long haul flights across europe.. Atc gives frequency changes.
What specific call should a pilot give on a new frequency?
I am sure about flight level and any direct route u r following has to be repprted to a new controller. And call sign obviously. But, should we also report position??

Offline martyj19

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Re: Specific ATC call by pilot enroute when frequency changes?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 16:19:40 UTC »
How does someone get to be a commercial airplane pilot flying enroute on long haul flights across Europe and not know the answer to this?
Kindly advise what carrier this is so I am able to avoid it.

Offline Shokapik

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Re: Specific ATC call by pilot enroute when frequency changes?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2016, 12:18:41 UTC »
I don't know about official requirements, but being a European En Route ATC I know for sure that we want:

- Callsign
- Flight level (maintaining, or climbing to / descending to)
- Any direct Route

So you were perfectly right.

The report position is not really useful, since 99% of the time we have radar identified you before your call. Although sometimes we're kind of "behind traffic" and may ask you "say position?" :)