
Author Topic: 2023 Winners of the 19th Annual Archie League Medal of Safety Awards  (Read 16356 times)

Offline KB4TEZ

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Congrats to these two gents, well done !!!!!!
this was a huge story here locally in South Florida.
I remember pulling the audio (after some editing, thanks Dave), and was glued to it.

I attached some chatter about it here from the tower at PBI.

Article by Amy Sayers, Fort Lauderdale ATCT (FLL)

On May 10, 2022, Caravan N333LD reached out to air traffic control at Fort Pierce ATCT (FPR, in Fort Pierce, Fla. The person on the radio advised, “I’ve got a serious situation here. My pilot has gone incoherent. I have no idea how to fly the airplane, but I’m maintaining 9,100 feet.” Just before this call, the pilot of N333LD expressed to his passengers that he wasn’t feeling right and had a headache. Shortly after, the pilot collapsed. While attempting to maneuver the incapacitated pilot, the plane’s autopilot had been disengaged, which sent the Cessna Caravan into a nosedive and a sharp turn.

The passenger-turned-pilot, Darren Harrison, was able to level off the aircraft and begin communications with ATC. FPR air traffic controller Chip Flores was the controller who took the call. Chip tried to determine the location of the aircraft, but Darren was not familiar with their position and could only advise that he had the coast ahead of them. Chip instructed N333LD to level off at 5,000 ft., while efforts began to determine the aircraft’s location.

Once N333LD was identified approximately 20 nautical miles east of Boca Raton Airport (BCT) over the Atlantic Ocean, Chip advised N333LD that a controller from Palm Beach International Airport ATCT (PBI) was going to take over the frequency and help him fly the aircraft. Back in Palm Beach, PBI air traffic controller and certified flight instructor Robert Morgan had been recalled from break and was on his way into the radar room. Robert was briefed on the situation. He sat down at the emergency radio and began transmitting to N333LD.

Robert calmly issued clear and concise instructions for N333LD to follow and slowly guided him towards FPR. However, due to runway length, congestion, and radio coverage, Robert determined that the safest option was to direct N333LD toward PBI.  Meanwhile, controllers at adjacent air traffic control facilities began to put aircraft into holding patterns and advised them to expect delays due to an emergency aircraft. Tower controllers at PBI dispatched emergency responders and started moving vehicles and aircraft away from the runway to prepare for N333LD to land.

Robert wanted to provide the best information for N333LD, so he asked for a printout of the flight controls of a Cessna Caravan as he walked Darren through how to make turns, how to select flap settings needed to create enough lift at slower speeds, and how to land.

Once N333LD was established on a straight in-flight path to the runway, Robert guided N333LD through a long, stable final approach. When the aircraft was over the runway, Robert explained to N333LD how to keep the nose barely off the ground until the main gear touched down. Darren successfully landed the plane. When he finally stopped the aircraft, he asked Robert how to turn off the engine. First responders approached the aircraft and assisted the incapacitated pilot and with the aircraft.

Congratulations to the Archie League Medal of Safety winners for the Southern Region Chip Flores and Robert S. Morgan, Jr!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 09:52:50 UTC by KB4TEZ »