Pilot here. The answer to every aviation question is .... "It depends". I'll give you some basic answers that I think you need for your game but there is not one answer that covers every situation. Considering that you're flying to an uncontrolled field (no tower):
Inbound simply means that you are inbound to the airport. Best practice is to self-announce when 10 miles from the airport.
"Left traffic" means that all of your turns in the traffic pattern will be left turns. You should announce before turning to each leg. Examples (runway 14):
"Podunk traffic, Cessna N1234 10 miles East, inbound 14, Podunk traffic."
"Podunk traffic, Cessna N1234 turning Final, 14, full stop, Podunk traffic."
You announce Final when you are on the Final leg

You enter the Final leg at a distance where you can perform a stabilized approach.
Bonus: At uncontrolled fields you generally don't fly straight in approaches unless under IFR.