Author Topic: PPL scholerships  (Read 9006 times)

Offline Galaxy001

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PPL scholerships
« on: June 02, 2009, 01:37:56 AM »
Hi all,

I'm a 17 year old student pilot.  I've spent several thousand so far on the flight hours I have, in addition to pilot supplies.  I currently have 34.9 hours with 3 solos and 0 x-countries.  I pay for my lessons completely on my own through a job as a lifeguard staff assistant manager.  I started about a year ago.  It has been very rewarding, but I'd like to get my private this summer, as my senior year is approaching and I will be going off to school.  I'd like concentrate my job money into saving for the future (college, etc.) and was wondering if anyone has any info on a sort of scholarship for getting one's private.  Considering the work I've done independently, there's got to be some way that someone can assist me to the end.  Or not.  :P

Thanks guys.

Zach W.

Offline Junior P

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Re: PPL scholerships
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2009, 11:04:53 AM »
I know there is a scholership awarded here in Ontario Canada for $2000 i know its not much but it helps. And we got a few colleges that OSAP (student loan services) will cover the cost of flight school.

Good luck  :-)

Offline Robin Rebhan

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Re: PPL scholerships
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2009, 10:33:09 PM »
I think I remember seeing a small list of scholarships at the AOPA website - . Just do a word search. I believe the ones I saw were in the $1,000.00 range. Not much of a help, but, gets you a few hours more in the air.

And stay away from aviation student loans. They are very costly. The ones on the AOPA website ( and others ) are very costly. You can do better through your local bank or credit union. A loan can keep you flying and keep you from regressing in flying skills causing you to do reviews all the time. You have to do the math and figure what is right for you and your situation.

Military guys can use the Montgomery Bill, and Veterans the GI Bill <--- wish I knew about that before time limit expired.

     Best of luck to you!!  :-D