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the airport is KTOL. Read what i wrote.
Quote from: mounsteres on December 16, 2008, 00:33:54 UTCthe airport is KTOL. Read what i wrote.When did you ever mention that in your original post?In parentheses, you actually state how you don't want to give the airport name.
Well first of al it's small. and Really close. but anyways, i saw a plane, that LANDED, I heard no chatter. it said Flight *blah blah blah, Forgot the name* Has Landed, when I was tracking it, but i heard ABSOLUTELY NO CHATTER!
anyways, what do you need to do that? (like make feeds?) anyways, I just started hearing it today... (like at 7:30 PM.
live atc isn't exactly live either, at least the BOS feeder is off by probably 30-45 seconds. Obviously due to the time it takes to feed and then come through my computer.Not that it matters, just something i noticed.