I'd like to know how much fuel a regional jet (CRJ, ERJ) or a larger jet (B717, A320) burns per minute during the takeout and climb phase and the approach and landing phase.
I listen to my local airport, KROC (Rochester NY) and, given our location in upstate New York, most flights arrive/depart to/from the south (southeast for Washington/NYC/Newark, south for Atl and Florida, southwest for most of the rest of the country.)
The main runway is 4/22. At night when traffic is light and winds are calm or light, most aircraft request 22 for takeoff and 4 for landing, regardless of what runway ATIS is currently advertising. Usually ATC can accommodate the request. Obviously if a plane is arriving from Newark or Atlanta, making the direct approach to runway 4 saves 5-10 minutes over circling around to the runway 22 approach. And time is money. But I'm also curious about the fuel burn rate and the direct cost savings. Any rough figures?