
Author Topic: ICAO English Level 4  (Read 121809 times)

Offline geemiesif

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ICAO English Level 4
« on: January 07, 2011, 14:52:02 UTC »
Hello All,
My name is Brian Johnston and I am an Aviation English Instructor and a EALTS  (one test for ICAO English ) Examiner and Examiner Instructor. My background is ATC related in the US Army. I saw on twitter a little blurb about ICAO Level 4 is required by all by March 5th if I remember correctly.

Just to give you an idea of how compliance is around the world check this link out.

I live in Colombia and theres currently two tests available for pilots to take , EALTS and the TEA . If anyone has questions in general about what is a Level 4 vs a Level 3 , just shoot me a pm and ill skype you at some point very quickly.

Just for Reference for 3 different Exams :

FAA Link:
To me I am disappointed at the FAA's system, where even in England people have to pass a real English for Aviation test.


EDIT: forgot to add FAA bit
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 15:14:35 UTC by geemiesif »

Offline dave

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 14:56:31 UTC »
Thanks Brian!

Rachel Shieff

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 21:30:22 UTC »
Hi Brian,

Rachel here.  Like you, I'm an aviation English instructor and I thoroughly enjoy my work with pilots and controllers.  One of the best parts of the job in my opinion is when I get the pilots and controllers to share their abnormal inflight situations.   This makes great lesson content and it's wonderful to have the aviation experts as the students.

If any of you out there would like to benefit from some free aviation English material, please check out:


I live in Spain and there are ICAO English test cowboys popping up everywhere.  It makes it difficult for pilots to judge which training centres give value training and which are just after a quick buck.


Offline SteveY

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2011, 16:18:03 UTC »
I agree with you Rachel, there are a number of cowboy operators in Spain. What of SEPLA? the Spanish pilots assoc. who have advised thier members to use a test that is at best, dubious. I have heard of one case where a pilot failed at level 2 in one very sound and internationally accepted method but went on to get a level 4 with the SEPLA test!!!!

ICAO should have accredited all test methods and not allowed member states to take that responsibility.

Offline Fer_nando

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2011, 02:53:54 UTC »
Hello all, I'm Fernando from Argentina, I'm an air traffic controller. I'm looking for
specific audio files, that is, the kind of audio that people who begin with Aviation
English need in order to improve. Unfortunatelly everything that I've found is too advanced for
them. Does anybody know where can I get this kind of material?? It would be
very helpful thank you all!!

Offline geemiesif

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 21:12:05 UTC »
Hi there Fernando,

Honestly you should learn general english until your able to handle Aviation English , phraseology is nice but it doesnt cover alot of areas when you are out in the real world.


Offline JessieD

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2011, 14:08:02 UTC »
Hi Pilots and ATCOs,

My company in conjunction with Aviation English trainers and authors Emery Roberts is running a free product test course for getting to IACO level 4 in our virtual world English City.  It really is an amazing experience a 3-D virtual airport, control tower and runway and all instruction in real time. We also have a General English programme too.

We are looking for non-native English pilots and ATCOs to test our product. See here for a video overview

We have a few spaces left on our test course which is 5 two hour lessons which will be held in several time zones in January. (The full course is 60 hours.)

We are also looking for Aviation English teachers to join our teaching team.

If you are interested in this free taster course get in touch and I can give you the registration details and we can get you onto the course.  All you need is a good broadband internet connection, a headset and a computer less than 4 years old.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Offline keith

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2012, 17:57:20 UTC »
Sorry to revive a thread that's been snoozing for a long time, but for a source of clear pilot/ATC audio recordings, with silences already removed, check out

While the core service is subscription-based and has a monthly fee, the ATC recordings from the service are made available to the public at no charge. This can be useful for student pilot training, or Aviation English instruction.

Offline david737

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2014, 15:54:04 UTC »
Hi everyone!

Can someone tell me or does anyone know for sure, which ICAO Proficiency Level (4,5 or 6) is the equivalent of the statement "English Proficient" on an FAA Pilot Certificate? I heard something about lvl 4???

If it is equivalent, can one get a converted  ICAO certificate, based on your FAA license, without the need of an ICAO test?

Thanks guys!

Offline falstro

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2014, 09:22:54 UTC »
Hi everyone!

Can someone tell me or does anyone know for sure, which ICAO Proficiency Level (4,5 or 6) is the equivalent of the statement "English Proficient" on an FAA Pilot Certificate? I heard something about lvl 4???

If it is equivalent, can one get a converted  ICAO certificate, based on your FAA license, without the need of an ICAO test?

Thanks guys!

I dont know how that is converted, and to be honest, I don't think it'll be accepted at all, but I'm not sure. However, IIRC (and I might be off on the numbers) you get an automatic level 6 if you spent 12 of the first 15 years of your life with that language. So if you're born and raised in the US, you'll get an automatic level 6 english.

Offline Gadya

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2014, 14:32:34 UTC »
They are called english language proficiency requrements from level 1 up to level 6. But ICAO established minimum level 4 for all  aviation specialists. So, you are supposed to get level 4 not less to consider you being proficient:)

Offline Zhas030

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Re: ICAO English Level 4
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2015, 23:49:20 UTC »
Hi everyone! :)

I need some help from professionals :) I'm student pilot at the moment and I'll have my English Language Proficiency test in 2-3 months. I have level ICAO 4, however it's not enough for me for various reasons, so I'm aiming for at least ICAO level 5 or 6. I'll appreciate if someone could help me and give advice.