
Author Topic: Alternate runway to save fuel  (Read 9312 times)

Offline StrongDreams

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Alternate runway to save fuel
« on: May 09, 2012, 19:01:34 UTC »
I'd like to know how much fuel a regional jet (CRJ, ERJ) or a larger jet (B717, A320) burns per minute during the takeout and climb phase and the approach and landing phase.

I listen to my local airport, KROC (Rochester NY) and, given our location in upstate New York, most flights arrive/depart to/from the south (southeast for Washington/NYC/Newark, south for Atl and Florida, southwest for most of the rest of the country.)

The main runway is 4/22.  At night when traffic is light and winds are calm or light, most aircraft request 22 for takeoff and 4 for landing, regardless of what runway ATIS is currently advertising.  Usually ATC can accommodate the request.  Obviously if a plane is arriving from Newark or Atlanta, making the direct approach to runway 4 saves 5-10 minutes over circling around to the runway 22 approach.  And time is money.  But I'm also curious about the fuel burn rate and the direct cost savings.  Any rough figures?

Offline klkm

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Re: Alternate runway to save fuel
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 03:39:51 UTC »
Easy answer, the terminals are all to the north, 3 minutes of flying to runway 4 and taxiing straight into the gate beats a 10 minute taxi back to the gate from runway 22, and on departure it is a quick taxi to takeoff on 22.  You fly a lot faster then you taxi.