
Author Topic: ZNY, PHL Twr/Gnd/Clr or PHL App/Dep?  (Read 16229 times)

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ZNY, PHL Twr/Gnd/Clr or PHL App/Dep?
« on: September 29, 2004, 23:58:27 UTC »
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to ask the listeners out there which feed they would rather have first. Since I'm a bit short on money, I can't go out and get more sound cards and base scanners. So I can only use my portable for one feed for now. So my question is what would the listeners rather have first a PHL Tower with hopefully Ground and Clearance feed, New York Center Sectors, or a new PHL App/ Dep feed with probably PNE Tower. I do see the PHL App/Dep feed is back up, still not to happy with it. Please let me know, any feedback is appreciated!

Take it easy,

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ZNY, PHL Twr/Gnd/Clr or PHL App/Dep?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2004, 07:15:34 UTC »
HI ED..good to hear of your progress !!    as a keen listner and viewer of phl. my vote would be your first suggestion Tower ..Ground ...Clearance  
 The feed already up on the site for APP/DEP while not great ,is workable..
I dont know if Dave plans to continue with it ...if he can he should..Looking forward to your new  feed ..  Akb