First of all, let me say EXCELLENT SITE. My hats off to the person/persons that run this site. Also a very Big Thank You.
Now a quick question about the above feed. By the way, Thank you for this feed also, there is a lot of good student and non student traffic at this airport everyday, so you always hear something good along with the good ATC

. I don't seem to be hearing the Indy Freq's. It shows
Indy Center: 119.55,133.42,132.2
Indy Approach: 121.1,119.05
Now, I listen to the 132.20 feed live off my scanner, but Im not hearing it online. Same with 119.55. I would love to hear the 121.1 because all of the handoff's from the Terre Haute Sector are usually to this controller, but Im not hearing this also.
Is it set up so that some Freq's are only active at sometimes, say when the Laf tower closes, or are these freq's just hard for the scanner to pick up?? I hope there are active however, would love to set up my scanner to hear the aircraft traffic into Indy with you guys providing the ATC play by play

Again, A VERY GREAT SITE, thx to whoever posted this on the VATSIM newsgroup. Great Info