
Author Topic: VHF Airband Antenna  (Read 14700 times)

Offline captkel

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VHF Airband Antenna
« on: February 06, 2011, 19:27:01 UTC »
I have made & purchased quite a few antennas, most perform adequately however the latest one that I made performs very well. It's called a QUAGI. The Good part (for me) is it has exceptional forward gain and is quite broad banded, the front and back pickup are adequate. The bad parts are the boom is 16 feet long, the boom has to be made out of a nonconducting material like wood or PVC pipe and the elements a long. There is a ton of reading material and plans on the internet. The antenna design software I used can be found here:  click on  Quagi : Antennas/Quagi on the first page then on the next page look for: Quagi Designer....  Freeware by VE3SQB, it's the forth from the bottom. Download this, then click save, then click the quagi (2).exe , then click run to start the program, at least that's how it works on my computer: windows vista and google chrome web browser.
It's a direct connect antenna (just hookup your coax direct to the driven element) no balun needed, also the coax connection has to be connected on the horizontal side of the element (not on the vertical side). They say the way you run the coax on the driven element and boom has to be done a certain way however I moved it all around without any noticeable (to my ears) difference. I used 12 gauge solid copper insulated wire for the reflector and driven elements (taken from electrical romex wire) and 1/4" aluminum rods (it's what I had on hand) for the directors. I joined two wooden 1"x 2" that where 8' long for the boom. I painted the boom with gray primer to help protect the wood. I have a drill press which makes the holes perfectly. I used 1/2" PVC pipe and crosses for the reflector and driven element support. In-joy!!

KEL :-D 

P.S.  Now I'm off to make one for the UHF Military Band

Offline Squawk 7700

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Re: VHF Airband Antenna
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 22:42:01 UTC »
Awesome antenna project Captkel!

Offline Trevor KJ6RPM

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Re: VHF Airband Antenna
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 01:27:03 UTC »
Hi anyone. I am looking into building an antenna for VHF air band scanning. I was wondering what i could do that is the best reception and cheapest. But i am not looking for a handheld i want to build a mast antenna in my backyard. As many replies as possible would be great.

Offline captkel

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Re: VHF Airband Antenna
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 15:06:10 UTC »
How about.......this quagi?  Or for something simpler try to build a J pole. You can find all kinds of info on the internet. Do research.

Offline iflyhi

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Re: VHF Airband Antenna
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 16:39:13 UTC »
@ trevor   see above posts.   since you have a computer,  google   j-pole aircraft antenna.  simple,cheap,easy to make, and quite effective.  AND, browse prior posts on this site.   its ALL there. and as stated before,  do some research. 

Offline pnwchief22

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Re: VHF Airband Antenna
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 04:18:01 UTC »
I have a 3 db Maxrad Omni directional for balanced reception from all directions.

The quad antenna looks like it would be very good about 90 degrees off the director elements.

Offline captkel

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Re: VHF Airband Antenna
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 21:18:43 UTC »
I normally have mine aimed at Miami due south of me. On Monday the winds where blowing here around 30 mph out of the southwest which moved my Quagi to a southeast heading ( about 30 degrees ) off course. I could bearly hear the ground signals in Miami. This antenna is very directional, also the  ground signals I'm receiving are about 35 miles away. It will pickup flying aircraft OK in all directions. 

KEL  :-D

Offline sstokes

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Re: VHF Airband Antenna
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2015, 21:26:30 UTC »
Hi All,

If you are interested in purchasing a manufactured VHF air band antenna, without a doubt I would recommend to everyone the Centerfire VHF Airband Base Station Scanner Antenna. I use mine all of the time. You can see my personal review of the antenna I just wrote clicking the link below to my website.

I really do not know why I did not write that review sooner. I have owned my Centerfire antenna for about 15 years and the thing is still in awesome shape and works as well as the day I first installed it. I would recommend that particular antenna to anyone who is into picking up aircraft transmissions with the highest gain. I routinely pick up ground control communications at an airport more than 18 miles away! It is an awesome antenna to say the least. Again, you can read my review of it at the site listed below, if you are interested. I also provide a link on my site letting you know where to get it for the cheapest price as well.
