Good morning is the plan for Sun 'n Fun streaming for the coming week. And of course we are streaming Sun 'n Fun Radio 24/7 throughout the year - expect some great programming/interviews on there this coming week! - Two streams as follows:
1) Lake Parker VFR Arrival 124.500 (which is also Lakeland Tower prior to the NOTAM taking effect)
2) Lakeland Ground/Tower/Tampa Approach
Lakeland Ground 121.400
Lakeland Tower 124.500
Lakeland Tower (North) 127.950
Lakeland Tower (South) 118.650
Tampa Approach (East Satellite) 119.900
Tampa Approach (East Satellite) 120.650
3/26/12-4/1/12 - 7 streams as follows:
1) Lake Parker VFR Arrival: 124.500
2) Lakeland Ground/related freqs
3) Tower North
4) Tower South
5) Tower North/South mix (left/right stereo)
6) Approach/Departure/related
7) Misc/UHF (USAF Thunderbirds, other air show stuff)