Air Traffic Monitoring > Listener Forum

SFO feed update

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I'll be moving to the east coast in mid-late November...which will spell the demise for the existing SFO/San Carlos/Moffett feed. Sorry, guys!  If someone else can pick up the job, please do so!


The laptop which has been dutifully streaming SFO/SQL for the last month seems to be going into hibernate mode every now and then. I will check the settings tonight when I get home.  In the mean time, I think it's offline.

Also, I'm relocating to east coast on Nov 18, so the feed will go down permanently at that time, hopefully to be replaced by a Newark feed :)


Just wanted to thank you one more time for providing this feed.  After I head to Oke City for training, I hope to get to SFO tower eventually.  The feed will be sorely missed...we appreciate the time that we got!  And thanks for volunteering to run another feed at your new location!

Hi Guys,

The feed is only going to be up for another 2 weeks or so, but I added Palo Alto tower (KPAO) on 118.60 to the list of scanned freqs.


I am gonna miss the SFO/SQL feed very much, but when you get to the east coast and set up a newark feed then I'll make sure to listen to that. You'll be greeted with plenty of snow there ,but it should make for nice christmas or hannukah. Once again goodbye and have fun. :D


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