The photo you've got above is of EI-RJH...I've seen her MANY times at edi. I've attached a link to a video of one of her Cityjet sister ships leaving edi after a quick taxi, followed by an EMB145. In fact, quite routinely we'll have 4 or 5 on stand at any one time. Avro RJs, 319(LOADS!), 737(Lots too), 320, 321, 757, EMB135/145, EMB195, Saab 340, DHC Dash-8 Q400....That's about the calibre of stuff I get to see! Edi is not the place for large airliners - The spotters went nuts when a Corsair 744 came in on a troop flight a couple of weeks ago!
If you haven't heard of you'll love it - It's like Youtube, but solely for aviation vids.