How does handle 2 feeders from the same area/city. Do they pick the one with the better feed and use it? I am about to go live tomorrow night (waiting on a grounding block to be mailed ). There is already a feed in my city. However, my feed is about 50% clearer than that one. Just wondering how that is handled.
Speaking for Dave here, as I frequently listen to an airport that has more than one provider.
We simply accept and use both!
For example, there are two separate providers for the KLAS feed, and depending on certain things, one has a clearer feed than another. But on the flip side of that, there are certain positions that one feed covers that another one doesn't. For example.
Feeds A and B provide a Tower feed.
Feed A provides TRACON services and some Center/En Route services.
Feed B provides a combined DEL and Ground feed.
Feed B provides a combined Delivery/Ground/Tower feed.
What this means is that just because someone has a feed for an airport, that does not mean they have a monopoly over that airport. In this case, redundancy is great, because if one feed goes down, there is still coverage of that airport through another feed. We'd rather have the redundancy and contiguous coverage of the airport and airspace around the airport than a monopoly over the location.