Here's some more information regarding 125.325 and why 128.675 has been used in its place quite often seems that when ZNY uses 125.325 there's a dead spot somewhere within the sector where aircraft have difficulty receiving ATC. In fact, one flight when asked how well he could hear ATC on 128.675, the answer was "much better".
128.675 was in use almost all day yesterday and overnight. At around 7AM this morning they went back to 125.325 but because of these dead spots have just gone back to 128.675.
When 125.325 is used, the ground side transmits out of Matawan NJ but when 128.675 is used, the ground side comes out of Douglaston NY. Not sure how you solve a problem like this other than trying a different frequency in Matawan or operate out of a different location entirely, which is what they're doing now...