I'm looking for a little help finding the audio from a go-around yesterday. AAL 2521 YYC-DFW. I've been on many go-arounds in my travels, but this was a little unique in that we landed on 13R at DFW after aborting 18R. Actually the first time in 25 years of travel that I've ever had a flight land on anything other than 18/36 at DFW, so was curious to hear the audio. I'm assuming they gave them the option to avoid spinning for a while due to the full pattern, but wanted to give it a listen. I found the initial approach file (KDFW-Reg-App-Final-18R-Aug-06-2024-1530Z.mp3) but I can't find the tower file where they call the go around or get redirected to 13R. Would appreciate any guidance finding it.