Wow this was harder to interpret than all your previous ones. Hopefully others may be about to better understand those recordings.
ATC: Cathay 708 ah now expect about 40 ah miles to touchdown and ah get ready to descent.
CPA708: (Contact?)...standby descent, Cathay 708.
ATC: TransAsia 371, QNH 1015, descent to 3000 feet. Clear ILS approach runway 34, report establish. Early left turn approved.
TNA371: 1015, descent 3000 feet, clear for ILS runway 34 approach ah and report establish, the early turn is approved, Asia 373..01
AMU106: Air Macau 106, ah request.
ATC: Go ahead.
AMU106: Part of flight plan, we have indication of lot of (level or waypoint?) at 310 enroute towards ah Pudong. Ah any chance we can ah request level 300?
ATC: Air Macau 106 this is Guangzhou restriction. Er today only flight level 310 is available for (over some crossing?). You may request er higher after Dotmi.
AMU106: It's ah...k (I'll just was trying to make sure.?)
ATC: ? now current, temperature change 1023, report runway (change or damp?).
I was thinking - isn't 1023 the QNH instead of temperature. Anyway I'm not too sure for the whole of 111.