nOOb here so forgive me if this topic has been discussed before (though I saw nothing similar in the forum's DB). I was wondering when and if the 'Big Kahuana' of int'l airport ATC's, LHR might go on line?
Someone else might have a better answer than I, but what a lot of casual users do not realize (I was guilty of this at one time, too) is that each feed is brought to you by a volunteer who happened to live nearby an airport, knew about this site, and had the resources to send the feed up to this site.
Thus, if there is a feed you want, you need to find a volunteer around that particular airport willing to invest the time and equipment needed to produce a feed. This site will only survive on the willingness of volunteers to maintain existing feeds and provide new ones.
If you do not have the resources yourself to provide a feed, consider digging up someone that might.

One good resource you might want to consider asking is a local flight school that is located at the airport in which you are interested. Often they can be sold on the idea of providing a feed because they already have a scanner and a PC connected to the internet, they can incorporate the 10-day archive feature this site provides into their learn-to-fly curriculum, and they receive free advertising from this site if they provide a feed.
Another resource is a local flying club. Many of the members of these clubs do not know about this site and, being aviation buffs by virtue of their enrollment in the club, might be willing to host a feed.