Hi all... sorry no posts in a while... I was on vacation...
In Canada, things are a little different (isn't this true of just about everything?
Nav Canada will hire people into one of three jobs... VFR controller, IFR controller, and FSS. Flight Service Specialist is not actually a controller, but still essential part of flying, as they provide weather reports, work at uncontrolled airports, help pilots find information, pass on clearances, etc. VFR controllers control based on visual seperation, and are not qualified to provide IFR seperation... they work in towers and provide visual seperation for aircraft in flight within the airport control zone (5 or 7 miles depending on the airport... so fairly small...) and all the traffic on the ground... this is broken down to Tower, working the stuff in flight and all active runways, ground which controls, well, quite frankly, everything else on the ground (sometimes at busy airports there is also apron, self explanatory) and finally clearance delivery which is where you obtain your flight clearance... so in actual fact, it starts in reverse... a plane would contact delivery, then apron to push, eventually ground for taxi instructions, and tower prior to entering an active runway and for take off... so far I believe this is exactly the same as in the states... here's where it changes for us though... once you take off and contact departure, whereas some airports in the states have their own approach and departure control, and other places have seperate terminal radar control sites dedicated to the terminal area, our terminal control units are ALL located at the centres... (what you would call artcc)... so if you become an IFR controller instead of a VFR controller, then after school, you would start working one of the sectors in that centre (ie. montreal centre has high sectors, low sectors, but also, montreal TCU, and Captals TCU (which controls traffic landing in Quebec city, and traffic landing in ottawa... obviously not done by the same person though hehe!)
So an IFR controller can expect to do some radar controlling, some non-radar controlling in areas with no radar coverage and eventually with a lot of experience, TCUs... but in Canada, you're either trained as an IFR controller or a VFR controller... but not both at once... so a VFR controller gets assigned to an airport (sometimes a less busy one, but not always...) but an IFR controller goes to a centre (all are equally busy as far as NAV CANADA is concerned...) I guess that's the only major difference between the two countries... all IFR control (including terminal control is done at one of the seven centres (gander, moncton, montreal, toronto, winnipeg, edmonton or vancouver). some are not even within the airport grounds (like in montreal) whereas others are right next to the tower (ie. toronto, but even there, a guy working in the centre, wouldn't ever work in the tower, and vice versa... different type of control... but the guys in the tower rotate through all the positions in the tower, and a guy in the centre would normally also rotate through various positions within his sector, but also every so often would be assigned into another sector as well...)
hope i didn't confuse everyone...
anyone want to talk military? hehe... just kidding...