
Author Topic: EWR Approach Freq Changes  (Read 3888 times)

Offline NHtrak

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EWR Approach Freq Changes
« on: July 10, 2024, 22:43:06 UTC »
Until about a month ago NY TRACON pretty consistently used 128.800 and 120.150 for EWR approach. They must have made some changes because now they are primarily using 120.150 and 132.700, with 125.500 and 132.800 in use sporadically. 127.600 is still used for TEB.

There is no feed with coverage of 132.700 or 132.800. Is it possible to adjust a tuner to the new freqs? There are active feeds for 128.550 and 128.800 but neither freq seems to be in use anymore so maybe those can be retuned. Thanks.

Offline dave

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Re: EWR Approach Freq Changes
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2024, 15:22:39 UTC »
Until about a month ago NY TRACON pretty consistently used 128.800 and 120.150 for EWR approach. They must have made some changes because now they are primarily using 120.150 and 132.700, with 125.500 and 132.800 in use sporadically. 127.600 is still used for TEB.

There is no feed with coverage of 132.700 or 132.800. Is it possible to adjust a tuner to the new freqs? There are active feeds for 128.550 and 128.800 but neither freq seems to be in use anymore so maybe those can be retuned. Thanks.

N90 has been having numerous frequency interference and performance issues in the Newark area. Most of the frequency changes have been temporary, and we have an inside line into what's going on. We'll add a feed for 132.7 soon since it may be in more regular use. They have even gone back to 128.55 a few times even though 128.8 had been in use for the ARD Sector. From our receiver site near EWR, 132.8 is not a useful frequency to cover since it is aircraft only, but we'l monitor and see what we can hear since it's been a while since it was last checked. The ground transmitter for that is at/near Solberg (out of range of our EWR rx site).


Offline fulanito

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Re: EWR Approach Freq Changes
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2024, 21:47:00 UTC »
125.62 is the new (temporary?) frequency for ARD. Any way this frequency can be set up?