I haven't listened to the feed in awhile, but keep in mind that not all the freqs you're scanning (or thinking about scanning, judging by the lists above) are based at YYZ, so in some/many cases you may hear only the pilots, or possibly nothing at all. For instance:
132.57 (Wiarton sector) is based at Wiarton
124.02 (also Wiarton sector -- these two are coupled so you'll hear exactly the same stuff as on 132.57) is based at Midland
124.37 (Mitchell sector) is also based at Wiarton
121.22 (Killaloe sector) is based at North Bay
While I'd love to hear somebody manage to scan Wiarton successfully (you can listen to me work), I doubt it would be possible unless you could find somebody who lived out on the Bruce Peninsula, or in Midland area. (While you're at it, see if you can find someone in Sault Ste. Marie to scan Sault High, Ranger, and Sault Tower ..)
If you have questions about sectors, frequencies, and bases, I should be able to provide answers. Unfortunately, no (because I'm sure somebody would ask), I can't set up a streaming feed from within the ACC itself due to all kinds of issues with security, appropriate use of work computers, etc.. And I live too far from the ACC to be of any use as a feeder, though I'd certainly consider making a contribution to help out with equipment purchases to split the feed further.