Author Topic: CZYZ Feed  (Read 3003 times)

Offline Scrapper

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« on: November 25, 2007, 07:52:30 PM »
This post is for the feed provider as well as the site manager. I believe we talked about this many months ago, but it's gotten significantly worse, so I thought I would bring it up again. the CZYZ feed (Toronto Centre) is burdened with WAY too many freqs and is at the point where it is impossible to listen to. Not only do you hear both high and low centre freqencies near CYYZ terminal, but for some reason, the feed is receiving the stuff from the CYYZ terminal freqs as well (not to mention tower and ground). I don't know if this is intentional or not, because I remember we were on here trying to trouble shoot this issue some months ago), but if it IS, then I recommned dropping all terminal and below frequencies (ie. tower, ground, approach, departure, etc.) since there is another feed for this purpose (Toronto feed, vs. Toronto Centre feed). Hopefully by ONLY scanning the high and low sectors outside of Toronto Terminal on one feed (toronto centre), and all the terminal and airport frequencies on the Toronto feed, we'll get two very good listening feeds. Right now, Toronto feed for airport and terminal etc. is great, but the Centre feed is ridiculous and impossible to follow.