
Author Topic: Cleveland CNTR feed  (Read 37524 times)

Offline PIT

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Cleveland CNTR feed
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2005, 05:16:09 PM »
i live in pittsburgh, what mtn/hill is not in the way???
i can barly pick up the tower even when its only like a mile away, with the  new scanner its much better, i am also thinkin about buying a new antenna


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Cleveland CNTR feed
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2005, 09:37:29 PM »
been listening to the new feed and thouroughly enjoy it alot. Begging and pleading for maybe 134.125/132.925 sector and maybe PLEASE if you can throw on 134.775/120.075 and/or 120.325 PLEASE and see what happens.

Offline JetScan1

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« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2005, 12:35:43 AM »
Begging and pleading for maybe 134.125/132.925 sector and maybe PLEASE if you can throw on 134.775/120.075 and/or 120.325 PLEASE and see what happens.

It wouldn't work, his reception range to the north is barely 50 miles, those sectors are well out of range.

Offline PIT

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« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2005, 12:39:21 AM »
ill give them a try, the feed will be up but no audio for a few min

Offline PIT

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Cleveland CNTR feed
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2005, 12:43:38 AM »
ok, their scannin them, ill let you know what happens.

Offline PIT

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« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2005, 12:48:09 AM »
well, Jetscan wont be to happy to hear this but, lol i was thinking of expirementing with some Indianapolis/NY/Washington CNTR freqs

Offline PIT

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Cleveland CNTR feed
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2005, 01:01:04 AM »
phlappproach, can you give me a lil help? on those sector maps can you tell me what sector's PIT is in??? just so that i get a rough idea.

Offline PHL Approach

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« Reply #32 on: December 30, 2005, 01:26:05 AM »
It's all gonna be in that southeast quadrant, 134.47, 124.40, 125.42, 134.12  and then on the ZNY side 132.2, 133.47.

Offline PIT

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Cleveland CNTR feed
« Reply #33 on: December 30, 2005, 01:36:45 AM »
thanx, also do you think if i got a better or idk bigger antenna, the reception to the northh would be better? i thhink thhat the problems is that i live in the Ohio river valley, (VALLEY) i am in the middle of the valley and the north would be the upper part of the valley. i will have to take some pics to show you guys. their is a beautiful view of the city to. once i get my digital camera back from my cousin i will take some pics of the new setup and the terrain around my house. also, i am using the one antenna for all three feeds. i use a four-way coax splitter to split thhe cable to easch scanner, would that haveto do with anything?

Offline JetScan1

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Cleveland CNTR feed
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2006, 09:19:58 AM »
phlappproach, can you give me a lil help? on those sector maps can you tell me what sector's PIT is in??? just so that i get a rough idea.

If you want I can e-mail you a Flight Explorer screen shot with the high altitude sectors selected and PIT with the range rings turned on. Or I could post them right on this thread, if it's possible to post images here ? DJ

Offline Jason

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Cleveland CNTR feed
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2006, 09:44:03 AM »
Quote from: JetScan1
phlappproach, can you give me a lil help? on those sector maps can you tell me what sector's PIT is in??? just so that i get a rough idea.

If you want I can e-mail you a Flight Explorer screen shot with the high altitude sectors selected and PIT with the range rings turned on. Or I could post them right on this thread, if it's possible to post images here ? DJ

Of course, DJ!  When posting, add the picture as an attachment.


Offline JetScan1

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« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2006, 11:05:39 AM »
Below is a screen shot showing all the high altitude (FL240 and above) sectors in range of PIT (select image to enlarge). I added the frequencies myself, so if anyone notes any errors or changes please let me know, but they should be accurate.

(L) = FL240 to FL330/FL340 (varies)
(H) = FL330/FL340 and above or to FL350/FL360 (varies)
(U) = FL350/FL360 and above (varies)

* = sector opened when required

Right now the range on the PIT radio to the north is about 50nm to 75nm, and to the south about 100nm to 125nm. DJ


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« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2006, 11:40:27 AM »
DJ would you happen to have screenshots of Southern WASH ARTCC, JAX ARTCC, and most preferrably I would appreciate CHICAGO ARTCC screenshot both low and high alt's. Thasnk you


Offline JetScan1

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« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2006, 12:01:45 PM »
Here you go ........


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« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2006, 03:36:57 PM »

    I will leave you alone with this last request. The charts you posted above you wouldn't happen to be able to post the frequencies that go with the sectors for Chicago and Atlanta Centers respectively. Again if you could I would be forever in debt to you. Either can you repost in the forum or e-mail me at

                                  Thank You very much

Offline JetScan1

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« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2006, 05:24:45 PM »
I had to add the frequencies to those other screen shots myself. I don't have any with the frequencies added for Chicago or Atlanta. From my notes this is what I have for Chicago, these are confirmed by listening and are current to a few months ago. I haven't had a good listen to this area since RVSM, so the altitude ranges are incomplete. Any updates or corrections always appreciated.

41(OXI) = 132.950
43(IKK) = 132.500
50(BDF) = 123.750
27(***) = 125.100 (Lake Michigan Sector)
26(PMM) = 133.200
31(GSH) = 135.900
32(OKK) = 123.850 or 125.375 (FL150-FL190)
35(OXI) = 127.800
37(FWA) = 119.850
42(DNV) = 135.750
44(EON) = 120.125
51(BDF) = 135.150
54(PIA) = 119.225
55(IOW) = 135.600(S) or 118.750(N)
62(BAE) = 132.300
63(MSN) = 133.300
73(DBQ) = 133.950
77(DPA) = 127.075
74(JVL) = 133.350
81(GIJ) = 120.350
24(MKG) = 132.275 (FL310 and below)
25(PMM) = 126.125
34(OKK) = 120.975
36(FWA) = 124.825
45(RBS) = 134.025
46(DNV) = 121.275
52(BDF) = 132.225 (JAN05) was 126.875
60(BAE) = 126.875 (JAN05) was 121.375/135.550
75(DBQ) = 127.775
82(GIJ) = 127.625
83(JOT) = 118.225
90(IOW) = 128.525 FL240-FL320
92(MZV) = 124.725 FL240-FL320
23(PMM) = 125.975 (FL330 and above)
33(FWA) = 126.325
47(DNV) = 127.325
61(BAE) = 121.375 (JAN05) was 132.225
76(DBQ) = 125.225(FL350),132.625(FL370+)
84(JOT) = 126.275
85(GIJ) = 120.225
91(PIA) = 134.325 FL340+
94(IOW/MZV) = 125.575(FL330-FL360),135.975(FL350+)

I don't have access to any radios in range of Atlanta so I can't confirm any of their frequencies. This website is the best reference I've seen, but I can't confirm how current it is.