
Author Topic: Bring back Boston High Sectors  (Read 18879 times)


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Bring back Boston High Sectors
« on: November 17, 2004, 20:40:39 UTC »
Dave tried to listen to 133.45 and 134.95 today but you replaced them with low sectors. Will they be coming back in the future? I am not that savvy compuytorwise but I dont know about the rest of the forum but in addition to the Boston High Sectors you had it would be nice to link them up with a FFUTURE HIGH feed of Montreal Center this way we would have a link between BOSTON,MONTREAL,and TORONTO Center to listen to traffic coming and going from southern canada airports and international arrivals from Europe and ORD,DTW,and YYZ. Don't know but what would the forum think of this idea and please someone get MONTREAL HIGH sectors on the page

Just my 2 cents :idea:

Offline dave

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Re: Bring back Boston High Sectors
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2004, 20:56:41 UTC »
Quote from: NYARTCCFAN
Dave tried to listen to 133.45 and 134.95 today but you replaced them with low sectors. Will they be coming back in the future? I am not that savvy compuytorwise but I dont know about the rest of the forum but in addition to the Boston High Sectors you had it would be nice to link them up with a FFUTURE HIGH feed of Montreal Center this way we would have a link between BOSTON,MONTREAL,and TORONTO Center to listen to traffic coming and going from southern canada airports and international arrivals from Europe and ORD,DTW,and YYZ. Don't know but what would the forum think of this idea and please someone get MONTREAL HIGH sectors on the page

Just my 2 cents :idea:

Things are being shuffled around for a week or two...that's why it's called an experimental feed.

If you have special requests the best way to handle it is propose a donation to the site so that additional receivers can be purchased to add the requested ATC frequencies.


Offline JetScan1

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Bring back Boston High Sectors
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2004, 16:49:33 UTC »

I suggested to dave that we try those high altitude sectors in the Boston area. I was curious about some of the low sectors as well so I asked dave if he would kindly tune them temporarily so I could check them out. There are a few other sectors I want to check out as well, and then when I'm done that I plan on donating a radio to permanently monitor those high altitude sectors (134.950, 133.450, 127.825 and 128.75).

If dave can accommodate it with the bandwidth he has available I'd like to donate a second radio to scan the western high altitude sectors on 135.700, 118.825, 128.325 and 135.325. This would give us excellent coverage of the northeast USA.

Ultimately what would be cool is a network of radios located in places like Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Moncton, Halifax, St. John's, Gander dedicated to high altitude sectors so you could follow all the NAT traffic all the way to/from the coastal fixes. Hopefully over the next couple of weeks I'll have time to set up an experimental feed from my location in Ottawa to monitor some of the Montreal and Toronto high altitude sectors.

How about a radio dedicated to high altitude sectors from your location in New York ?



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Bring back Boston High Sectors
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2004, 17:35:16 UTC »
Hi Jetscan1

                Great new's to hear down here in NYC area that things are looking up(no pun intended) for future high level northeast monitoring.I dont mean to be a pest but 123.875 is a very busy sector that needs to be added to 135.7,118.825,132.325 sectors.unfortunately I lack the resources to put up a feed i.e. computor knowledge and funding. Years ago I had 3 dedicated scanners tuned to most of BOS,NYC,eastern CLE,and WAS centers. I but have 1 scanner as of now and being in the middle of NYC tracon it is quite hectic down here. If things improve computor savvywise and funding will comply with your request.Thanks for the reply. Wish someone had SECTOR MAPS(high and low) of all the centers and frequencies that correspond to each sector.Anyone out there ?

Take care and happy scanning


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Bring back Boston High Sectors
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2004, 17:40:23 UTC »
One other thing Jetscan would you happen to have frequencies avail of Montreal center particuluarly HIgh Level between Toronto's 134.575 and Bostons 128.05 sectors

Offline JetScan1

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Bring back Boston High Sectors
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2004, 01:29:05 UTC »
would you happen to have frequencies avail of Montreal center particuluarly HIgh Level between Toronto's 134.575 and Bostons 128.05 sectors

Routing via YYZ.J594.MSS.J586.YJN..MIILS = 134.575 Toronto -> 135.600 Montreal -> 123.925 Montreal -> 128.050 Boston

Routing via YXI.YQB.MIILS = 121.225 Toronto -> 127.875 Montreal -> 123.925 Montreal -> 128.050 Boston

135.600/127.875 sectors are usually combined and worked by the same controller, and only get split north/south when traffic is heavy.

I dont mean to be a pest but 123.875 is a very busy sector that needs to be added to 135.7,118.825,132.325 sectors.

I agree it would be nice to have 123.875 as well, but the problem is when you scan too many busy frequencies too much stuff starts getting blocked out on other ones. I'd rather have good coverage of a few frequencies than partial coverage of many frequencies. It's really noticeable and annoying when you are watching the traffic real time when too many frequencies are being scanned.



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Bring back Boston High Sectors
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2004, 16:47:53 UTC »
Thank You Jetscan you have been of a great help