I suggested to dave that we try those high altitude sectors in the Boston area. I was curious about some of the low sectors as well so I asked dave if he would kindly tune them temporarily so I could check them out. There are a few other sectors I want to check out as well, and then when I'm done that I plan on donating a radio to permanently monitor those high altitude sectors (134.950, 133.450, 127.825 and 128.75).
If dave can accommodate it with the bandwidth he has available I'd like to donate a second radio to scan the western high altitude sectors on 135.700, 118.825, 128.325 and 135.325. This would give us excellent coverage of the northeast USA.
Ultimately what would be cool is a network of radios located in places like Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Moncton, Halifax, St. John's, Gander dedicated to high altitude sectors so you could follow all the NAT traffic all the way to/from the coastal fixes. Hopefully over the next couple of weeks I'll have time to set up an experimental feed from my location in Ottawa to monitor some of the Montreal and Toronto high altitude sectors.
How about a radio dedicated to high altitude sectors from your location in New York ?