
Author Topic: Boston request  (Read 26625 times)

Offline JetScan1

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Boston request
« on: September 14, 2004, 16:45:35 UTC »
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 16:27:34 UTC by JetScan1 »

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Boston request
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2004, 18:38:15 UTC »
Ref Boston request....some of these frequencies on LiveAtc would be of super interest to those of us on this side of the Atlantic (Europe)
I track these flights Westbound over Ireland during the day and Eastbound in the mornings.   Come on guys ....go for it !!!!!!!

Offline dave

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Re: Boston request
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 02:16:15 UTC »
Quote from: JetScan1

Awesome website, great job !

Just wondering if we can make requests ? I'd like to monitor the high level traffic overhead the Boston area sometime, lot's of NAT traffic. Any chance you could tune/scan 127.825, 128.750, 134.950, 133.450 sometime on one of the Boston radios ? The early evening would be best, to catch the rush heading towards Europe. Just for one or two evenings. Anyone else interested in this ?



I'd be happy to add these for a while as an experiment.  I am far away from the ground transmitters so for now we would only hear aircraft.

These will be added to the Boston Center GDM3 feed soon.


Offline dave

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Boston request
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 13:54:56 UTC »
OK, these are up...I can't remove the lower altitude sectors right now but will leave the high altitude sectors in as long as you like.

There is some VHF signal enhancement this morning so the controller side is audible on some of the high altitude sectors, but that probably won't last since the enhancement will burn off as the temperature rises.


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Boston request
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 20:48:35 UTC »
Thanks Dave...European traffic rolling in as flyovers in the Boston area..I am also watching them on the Boston area flight tracking on I
am also listening to Atlantic HF and trying to match up your transmissions on 5616 with my reciever here in Ireland. In Ireland at night Gander as well as Shanwick ground come in......Akb

Offline dave

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Boston request
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2004, 00:19:59 UTC »
Quote from: JetScan1
Thanks dave,

Your reception of aircraft is pretty good on these high altitude frequencies. Unfortunately with the low sectors being scanned at the same time, and being very busy, you are probably missing over 50% of the transmissions on the high sectors.

Personally I think it's better to scan only a few frequencies at a time, otherwise you end up missing so much in each sector that it becomes sort of pointless. But that's just my opinion. So I'd say it would be better to either monitor the high sectors or the low sectors, but not both at the same time.

Perhaps a solution would be to concentrate on a certain area or sector for a given time, swithing periodically (weekly, monthly?) between frequency banks scanned ? Anyway just a suggestion, I realise it could be more time consuming for the radio operators.

One of these days I'll get around to setting up a node myself. Keep up the good work. Cheers.


That could be, but I just don't have the resources to put anything else on line by itself right now.  Also, I prefer that both sides of a conversation can be heard, at leasy for anything that I put on myself.  Hearing one side of the conversation is way less than interesting.

Also, with much of this high altitude traffic, there isn't a hell of a lot going on.  I almost had some feeder volunteers near those transmitters but they kind of dropped off the face of the earth so I was never able to get those sectors online.  Maybe some day.

As to scheduled transmissions, I can't really do that because these two particular low altitude sectors are local to me and I prefer to have them on 24/7.  If someone were to donate a receiver to the cause, or donate money towards an additional receiver, I'd be glad to run whatever they request.


Offline dave

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Boston request
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2004, 01:16:27 UTC »
Quote from: JetScan1

Okay no problem, in that case it would be better if you just ran the low sectors only, like you had it before.

I'd be interested in donating a radio if I had control of the frequencies. What sort of ballpark price are we looking at here ?


A scanner and associated cables can be had for under $80 USD.  I typically get Bearcat BC350A's from eBay...they range from $60-$80 USD and then $5-$15 for cables.
