
Author Topic: BOSTON CENTRE High Leval  (Read 22479 times)

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« on: September 25, 2004, 08:38:17 UTC »
Dave ...This morning I could hear very well the Ground controller handing over high leval stuff to  Moncton Centre.  Was this just good conditions ,...controller and transmitter twinning...or has the feed been improved? AKB

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« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2004, 11:45:23 UTC »
Quote from: akb
Dave ...This morning I could hear very well the Ground controller handing over high leval stuff to  Moncton Centre.  Was this just good conditions ,...controller and transmitter twinning...or has the feed been improved? AKB

I've been away all week working down in Maryland.  There has been a lot of ground fog here the last couple of mornings...sometimes that's an indication of tropospheric ducting, a radio propagation phenomena that allows VHF radio signals to travel further than normal.  That's likely why, and those sorts of things usually go away by about 1300 or 1400Z.

No amount of antenna on my end will pick up those Center controllers.  :-)  Their transmitters are typically not high power and their antennas are mounted near the ground.

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Boston high leval
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2004, 14:00:05 UTC »
I guess it is the fog ...i turned on the site at  9 am local   4 am east time.
i know  the problem with antenna . i have a dedicated air band 6 element yagi  on a mast 30 feet off the roof to get shannon atc which controles all air space to the west    BUT never a sign of it ...only the odd very highpressure day ....not often in ireland!!!!!!!