
Author Topic: audio feeds through Tivo, using JRiver Media Center  (Read 16584 times)

Offline keith

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audio feeds through Tivo, using JRiver Media Center
« on: September 13, 2004, 03:40:24 PM »
I'm not sure how many ppl this applies to, but I managed to get all the audio streams working through my two Tivos at home, meaning I can pull up the audio through the tv, and listen on the couch, or in the bedroom, in addition to my desktop or either of the two laptops :)  Suffice to say, the wife hates it....but here's how I did it.

I feed the tivos through JRiver Media Center (instead of the Tivo Publisher software). I open JRiver Media Center, select OPEN URL from the File menu, enter the URL (ending with m3u extension).  JRiver starts playing the stream...

Go to JRiver's NOW PLAYING section, right click on the item, select ADD TO PLAYLIST.  Repeat for all the ATC feeds :)  Restart JRiver Media Server..._RUN_ upstairs/downstairs to your Tivo, and viola/violin/cello...there they are!


Offline airshark

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audio feeds through Tivo, using JRiver Media Center
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 02:30:51 PM »
You don't need to use JRiver Media Center to do this.  You can do this with JavaHMO ( using the GUI or you can enter it manually.

Check out my responses in this thread:

Offline keith

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« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 04:05:41 PM »
I agree, JRiver isn't needed, but it's what I'm already using, so I thought I'd post the info.  Thanks for posting the link to alternate solutions.
