
Author Topic: KLAS gone silent?  (Read 5127 times)

Offline tyketto

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KLAS gone silent?
« on: April 11, 2007, 23:29:23 UTC »
time: 4/11/07 2328Z

Is it me, or is anyone connected to the LAS feed just getting silence?

Just trying to make sure it isn't me before contacting the feed host.


Offline tyketto

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Re: KLAS gone silent?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 17:25:46 UTC »
time: 4/11/07 2328Z

Is it me, or is anyone connected to the LAS feed just getting silence?

Just trying to make sure it isn't me before contacting the feed host.


Nope. It isn't just me. still silent now. Can connect to the feed, but hearing nothing. Tried Winamp, WMP, and XMMS. Glenn, if you're out there, could you take a look to see what could be going on?