
Author Topic: Ready to set up KLGD feed, but haven't heard anything back  (Read 2772 times)

Offline Azendale

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Ready to set up KLGD feed, but haven't heard anything back
« on: December 26, 2021, 01:34:58 UTC »
So, I think I've gathered the hardware I need to set up a feed for KLGD.

I have a Raspberry Pi 4.
I got this filter:
And this antenna:

I have a Newelec NESDR Smart XTR (and another NESDR Smart - hoping to pick up a second channel with that).

I filled out the new feed form before getting stuff and got a generic idea of what was involved.

Now I have the stuff. I emailed back on the same thread but heard nothing.

I tried submitting a new "new feed form" and have heard nothing.

Can anyone guide me towards setting up the software on the Pi and testing decoding, gain levels, etc? I'm fairly familiar with Linux (Server admin by day) but am newer to the SDR side. (I've played with GNUradio some trying to decode airband but never got it to work, but did get FM to work. That was with home built antennas and a RTL TV dongle though.)

Anyone that can help? I've tried adding the email addresses on the new feed form to my spam whitelist, so I don't think responses are just disappearing. (So my assumption is Dave is just a busy guy, and my little airport doesn't rank all that high considering it's the busy holiday season. No hard feelings here, but I want to move forward and getting this set up and tuned a bit, and then moving it to a real tower structure.)

Eventually the whole setup should be about 4-5 mi from the airport on a 10 story building in a fairly flat valley.

Offline dave

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Re: Ready to set up KLGD feed, but haven't heard anything back
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2021, 01:44:50 UTC »
Check your email....original reply may have gone into your spam folder. Sent again.

Offline Azendale

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Re: Ready to set up KLGD feed, but haven't heard anything back
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2021, 02:12:38 UTC »
I got it this time, thanks so much! Off to getting it set up!