I have been a LiveATC feeder for our airport for years and have worked a lot with RTL sticks. Basically good, but now I wanted to try something with a larger dynamic range. So I set up a trial run on an Asus Tinker board and the SDRPlay RSP1A.
Basically everything works end-to-end and I could feed like this. However, I am not satisfied with the quality. The signals are much weaker and noisier than with the RTL dongles. I know that RSP1A can do a lot better when I use it with SDRUno - here the signal is just perfect and strong. Not so with SoapySDR - where it is quite weak and noisy.
Since SoapySDR is new territory for me, I suspect suboptimal settings e.g. in the area of gains or similar.
Can anyone give me tips on how to get good results with RTLSDR_Airband and the SDRPlay device? Have I overlooked something?
Armbian: Linux tinkerboard 5.10.21-rockchip #21.02.3
SoapySDR 0.8.0
RTLSDR_Airband 3.2.1
Many thanks & best regards