
Author Topic: New member with the Highest 360 degree antenna install 120+Ft in Ontario Canada  (Read 49713 times)


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Hello to everyone......just introducing myself here as a new member and a soon to be feed provider.

I live about 5 Km's south of Toronto's CYYZ Airport and am fortunate enough to have my antenna's installed at a height of 120 Feet or 36 Meters......I worked out a deal with my landlord to have unrestricted access to the roof of my building.  Fortunately I have a line of sight to the airport and an unobstructed view of the sky....  I am using DPD Antenna's and have found them to work well.  I have both a VHF Air and a ADS-B antenna mounted up there for my Airnav Radarbox setup...(I have a range of 300Nm with this setup)  I use nothing but LMR-400 cabling, all connections sealed and watertight.  Currently I have a Pro-2006 and a BCT15 providing some feeds to
There is not a single frequency I cannot hear related to Toronto's CYYZ airport, both on the ground and in the sky.

Here are some pics for all to enjoy.

DSC_0759 by CYYZGUY, on Flickr

DSC_0758 by CYYZGUY, on Flickr

Airport in background.

DSC_0757 by CYYZGUY, on Flickr

DSC_0756 by CYYZGUY, on Flickr

Busy Night by CYYZGUY, on Flickr

Landlord inspecting the setup....

DSC_0690 by CYYZGUY, on Flickr

DSC_0683 by CYYZGUY, on Flickr

DSC_0682 by CYYZGUY, on Flickr
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 19:08:59 UTC by CYYZGUY »

Offline ridejumpfly

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That's a sweet set up! Looking forward to your feed.

Offline datainmotion

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Looking forward to hearing your feed(s) here - welcome!


Offline InterpreDemon

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Better get some lightning protection in place, your masts are now the high point of that building unless there is an elevator room or cooling tower out of view. My recommendation would be to bolt a 10' copper-plated ground rod upside-down on the middle of the opposite side of that ventilator box and connected via copper strap to building steel if you can get to it at the base of the ventilator. A couple Polyphaser RGT's bolted to the masts to couple your antenna pig-tails to your down lead might be a good idea, too. Other than that it should be a pretty banging site... assuming it doesn't get "banged".


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Better get some lightning protection in place, your masts are now the high point of that building unless there is an elevator room or cooling tower out of view. My recommendation would be to bolt a 10' copper-plated ground rod upside-down on the middle of the opposite side of that ventilator box and connected via copper strap to building steel if you can get to it at the base of the ventilator. A couple Polyphaser RGT's bolted to the masts to couple your antenna pig-tails to your down lead might be a good idea, too. Other than that it should be a pretty banging site... assuming it doesn't get "banged".

Hey everyone thanks for the comments so far.  There is actually an elevator room with metal smokestack (heating exhaust) that is still another probably 20 to 30 feet higher then my masts....I did not mount them up there on purpose!!!!!!  It is out of view to the south of my antenna's....


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Thanks Dave for assisting me in getting the Toronto Departure up and running.  Look forward to assisting in the future..........As I said, there is nothing I cannot receive at CYYZ.


Offline JetScan1

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As I said, there is nothing I cannot receive at CYYZ.

Nice setup ! Can you accomodate any more radios at that location ? I'd be up for donating some funds for the purchase of more radios if you can fit them in ? (I'd be especially interested in some of the enroute ARTCC frequencies that you can get in that area). The reception on 128.800 is coming through very strong but slightly distorted, it sounds like the output volume from the radio is set just a bit to high ? Great job, thanks for providing the feed !

Offline dave

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The feed provider and I are working to provide more coverage from this location.  The issue is not getting radios...but more of a space issue.  If there is an opportunity where the donations would be useful we will let you know.

Offline K5PAT

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The site looks great! You must have a very accomodating landlord.  :-D

Offline Lonecrowe

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How much was that software anyway? I live right under the ILS approach at CYQG and work for a large wireless ISP with access to many towers in the area. I'm thinking of starting in on this as a hobby, possibly one of our larger towers close to Detroit could pick up a feed there.  Plus we have plenty of bandwidth to host this feed so I'm semi curious about setup costs. 

Offline Lonecrowe

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Oh and PS we'd be able to mount ours at about 300ft  :^b

Offline CYUL

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The site looks great! You must have a very accomodating landlord.  :-D

Canadian Beer Diplomacy.. :)

Nice job Jason

Paul (CYUL)

Offline Jonathank

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Two years later (since the original posting), I'd love to have those antennas on my roof. IN today's day 'n' age, that would make for stereo surround sound ATC. :wink:

Offline tyketto

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Two years later (since the original posting), I'd love to have those antennas on my roof. IN today's day 'n' age, that would make for stereo surround sound ATC. :wink:

As long as you don't ever shout out 'Shazam!' or 'By the Power of Grayskull!', you'll be all right. ;)


Offline josecmorales

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Just amazing! great work!