
Author Topic: KFTW and KAFW / 52F feed  (Read 11346 times)

Offline TangoWhiskey

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KFTW and KAFW / 52F feed
« on: April 24, 2012, 22:41:02 UTC »
I'm now providing feeds to for Meacham, Alliance, and NW Regional.  Many thanks to Dave for the platform and support with setting up dual feeds.

The Meacham feed can be found here:

Alliance and 52F are both on the Alliance feed, since that traffic so frequently interacts; that feed can be found here:

I have a Diamond D130J discone VHF antenna on an outside mast, properly grounded (an in-line lightning arrestor and ground shield straps in place, heavy duty copper wire to a big @$$ ground rod), feeding through the attic to my office LAN closet.  There, the feed passes through a VHF Air bandpass filter, then enters a distribution amplifier before splitting off to two different Uniden Bearcat BC355C scanners (one for each feed).  Those feed a Delta 1010LT PCI audio input card (provides multiple distinct routeable audio inputs into the computer), and then the LiveATC client software.

Here are pictures of the setup: