
Author Topic: ESSL - tower in the woods  (Read 159459 times)

Offline ludwigloh

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ESSL - tower in the woods
« on: July 08, 2012, 14:30:38 UTC »
Good day,

Being out in the woods for a couple of days installing new quipment for improving ESSL reception I thought it would be a good time to share some photos of the setup. The tower was installed on its location around 1992 serving HAM radio antennas for private use, but as time went by and the interest for HAM radio decreased and ultimately seized to exist it has been unused for a couple of yeas.

ESSL airport is not more than a few kilometers away and one of the major Swedish airline routes go straight overhead for traffic to major airports like ESSA, ESKN. Flights landing at ESSL usually fly 1000 feet overhead on their final. Cant imagine why you wouldnt put a reciever station here?  :-)

Here are som pics of the ESSL setup

Old antenna and preamp had some minor defects

However after being installed over 10 years ago, this 12v preamp has actually survived and is still functioning, even after being totally exposed to weather. Thats quite amazing considering how the connectors looked like when we brought it down.

New antenna

Antenna mounted on the tower

Tower being raised again after installation

In position...

...and eleveated

Result is above expectation. We now hear ground stations for this area crystal clear, where we had a lot of noise with old installation. Also, both TWR and ATIS service on ground for ESSA can actually be heard, even if there is some noise in the background. Thats approximately 200km away shortest path on the map.  :-)

Tower is in total 16m and installed on location 170m above sealevel.
Radio beeing used is as of 8/8 2012 a Uniden Bearcat UBC355CLT with a JIM M-75 preamp installed in tower.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 15:08:08 UTC by ludwigloh »

Offline dave

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 10:10:42 UTC »
Great installation and fabulous results!  Location, location, location...and great equipment, too!

Offline Grenchen

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2014, 17:29:41 UTC »
Reviving an old thread here, but any chance of getting the TWR feeds from ESSP or ESKN?

Offline flygfantast

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2015, 10:13:50 UTC »
Been down for 2 weeks now, missing it! Will it be up again?  :?

Offline ludwigloh

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 15:09:14 UTC »

Yes I know  :-o awful time it has been

 I dont live at the site, im in Örebro. The computer running oddatc to provide the audio-feed has a burnt SD-card, thats why the feed is down. Long lead time from supplier and a lot of things going on at work has delayed things but now I have a brand new Intel NUC computer installed and ready on the way to the site. I expect the feed to be up again at by this coming weekend.

Also a new pre-amp will be installed hoping to improve audio-quality a bit more.

Offline flygfantast

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2015, 13:57:03 UTC »

Yes I know  :-o awful time it has been

 I dont live at the site, im in Örebro. The computer running oddatc to provide the audio-feed has a burnt SD-card, thats why the feed is down. Long lead time from supplier and a lot of things going on at work has delayed things but now I have a brand new Intel NUC computer installed and ready on the way to the site. I expect the feed to be up again at by this coming weekend.

Also a new pre-amp will be installed hoping to improve audio-quality a bit more.

Det låter ju utmärkt :-D Skit när saker går sönder! :x  Det enda jag lyssnar på sedan den kom upp! Saknar bara Malmen tornet! ;)

Sitter själv i Motala, tyvärr bor jag lite i en "grop" så har svårt att höra ESSL/ESCF bra. Tur Mode-s radarboxar (AirNav/FR24) funkar :)

Nice job! :D

Mvh Niklas

Offline flygfantast

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2015, 09:40:23 UTC »
Up and running again! Thanks ludwigloh for the great job!  :-D

Best regards

Offline flygfantast

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2015, 05:54:36 UTC »

Yes I know  :-o awful time it has been

 I dont live at the site, im in Örebro. The computer running oddatc to provide the audio-feed has a burnt SD-card, thats why the feed is down. Long lead time from supplier and a lot of things going on at work has delayed things but now I have a brand new Intel NUC computer installed and ready on the way to the site. I expect the feed to be up again at by this coming weekend.

Also a new pre-amp will be installed hoping to improve audio-quality a bit more.


Was the new pre-amp installed?

Seems like the reception has decreased a lot since the feed came online again.  :cry:

Offline ludwigloh

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2015, 09:14:40 UTC »
Har det blivit bättre senaste dagarna/veckan? Vi har haft en hel del problem med preampsen. Nu sitter ingen preamp i för första gången och jag tycker det låter helt OK. Det är sweden på 118.4 som kan falla bort ibland om de inte använder krokek-masten men det gjorde den med preamp också vill jag minnas.

Rough translation:
Has it gotten better in recent days / week? We have had a lot of problems with preamps. Now is no preamp in for the first time and I think it sounds quite OK. It is Sweden at 118.4 which can fall off sometimes if they do not use Krokek-mast, but it did it with preamp also I remember.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 15:45:46 UTC by RonR »

Offline flygfantast

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Re: ESSL - tower in the woods
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2015, 07:17:37 UTC »
Har det blivit bättre senaste dagarna/veckan? Vi har haft en hel del problem med preampsen. Nu sitter ingen preamp i för första gången och jag tycker det låter helt OK. Det är sweden på 118.4 som kan falla bort ibland om de inte använder krokek-masten men det gjorde den med preamp också vill jag minnas.

Hej! Sorry missade helt detta svar (ändå har jag att den ska maila om svar kommer!). Det har fungerat skapligt den senaste månaden, kändes som om rundradion gick in och störde när preamp var på.

Men nu vet jag inte vad som hänt idag och igår (hade inte möjlighet att lyssna förra veckan) så är det bara personer som pratar på svenska (precis som om någon
satt med en live-mikrofon), inget flyg, bara personligt prat av någon man i medelåldern. Vet inte vad det är men som sagt inget flyg.

Hoppas det kommer igång igen. Malmen TWR är inget som är möjligt att lägga in? (eller mil, kanske inte gillar det).


Rough translation:
It's been working pretty good the last month, feelt like commercial radio (FM) interrupted the transmission when the preamp was installed.

But now something has happened, no ATC, only a person talking, almost like a live-microfon in someones house. Strange.

I hope it will return to normal soon. Is it possible to add Malmen TWR?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 07:22:36 UTC by flygfantast »