Thanks for a great feed numloxx! I was listening to it on the LiveAtc archives for the historic QFA9 flight (PER-LHR).
I noticed something peculiar though, so I thought I might give you a heads up.
While listening to QFA9 at first everything seemed normal. When the time came for QF9 to switch to departure
things started to become strange. I heard QFA9 talking to departure on the tower freq?!
Even though it's supposed to be an isolated feed.
I then switched to the departure freq only to hear YPPH tower on it saying the exact same thing.
Also I didn't hear any departure controller, only QFA9 fading in and out. So my experience with QFA9
ended quite early on their 17 hour flight you might say.
Not sure if it's anything you can do about it but I thought I would give you a heads up anyway.